Sunday, June 27, 2010

Oh, to add on, i havent read a good novel kinda book for so long!(Have been reading more of self help and practical books!) I hope Eat, Pray, Love would be the perfect book for me! Take me to Italy and India~~
Hey hey blogger~~ sorry i hadnt spent time here for quite some time><
u can put the blame on fb and my new need for higher privacy, which led to my starting to write in a diary..
You know, I've finally found the joy of writing in a diary. Last time when i tried to write in a diary, e attempts all didnt last.. cos e diarys are too cute and i have to control my handwriting when i write on a nice piece of paper so tt i won't spoil it(tho e handwriting's still messy. HA.).. Or else it'd be tt i didnt really understand the principle tt u've got to write it in ur own style, ur own creative way, and not forcing urself to write in the format of those novel diaries and all...(which i cldn't grasp previously) But anw e joy of writing a diary is tt u can organise and understand ur thoughts better, and u don't have to restrict urself so much on what u write, cuz it's ur own book and u dun have to care about how others look at u. Recently i feel tt my thoughts are getting more clear and calm.. less childish too.. i feel.. and i think it's a pretty good thing..

I guess working is a really good thing too.. U get to learn more experiences; see realism and the act of human nature, and different ppl handling different situations on hand differently, be it tricky or not. BUT. the bad thing is i feel im slowly losing touch with ENGLISH. oh no. oh dear. tt's bad tt's bad. Better start reading up!

Oh yea, and recently im also in love with English romance kinda songs like Stars.. And these 2 words popped up in my mind while i was listening to my music on the streets today.. Here it goes..

"Hopelessly Romantic"

maybe i heard it somewhere in my life but can't remb whr i heard it from.. But well, it's a perfect combination tt emits a kind of light somehow(: Sweeet. I like;)

OK. ~ tt's all folks!~

