Thursday, April 29, 2010

我看见了好脆弱的爱情.. 又或许我看到的并不是真正的爱情, cuz love is true and strong.

应该改口说: 好虚伪的人啊.................


Friday, April 16, 2010

Today's a fine day~ Not really in terms of weather! but in terms of mood and all.. Went out with Maira to Orchard.. We were looking for Cathay Cineleisure.. But were unsure of its location haha.. Orchard-痴.. But we saw the Shaw house so anw we went there.. Initially tot there werent anymore 'Remember Me' movie.. but turned out Shaw house was still playing it:D So we bought the 2.15 tickets.. It was only 1++ when we reached the place.. So we chatted and got some bubble tea while waiting.. Each -a-cup's bubble tea is sUper sweeet can.. i didnt manage to finish it.. and the pearls were SupEr chewy.. too chewy for me.. haha..
And so we the time passed and we went for the movie.. My rating for the movie.... 1.5Stars.. haha.. My god the movie was boring. hahaha.. except for the last part that made me cry.. the rest was... like.. no climax.... haha.. Maira was rather interested in Shutter Island which i think is SCARY. haha.. by leonardo dicarprio.. well anw.. back to the movie.. I was rather restless thruout.. haha.. but well.. managed to sit thru it! i tot i'd cry for the movie.. and indeed i did.. luckily i wiped off my eyeliner b4 entering the cinema.. cuz it's non-waterproof.. haha..
Later we went shopping~She bought a top, while I bought some stockings and a wallet from Mango:D A brown leather wallet.. haha.. shall show some pics below.. first time buy stuff from mango.. wakakaka.. >:D abit Sua Gu. HAHA. oh well.

Btw, i'm rewatching... Totoro!:D
Super CUTE. my next fav after inuyasha^^ Dun wry.. i still love inuyasha:D

Gdnight~ tml there's work. boo.. nvm.. i'm working till end of this month onlY.~~

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Let's just throw away those lil lil troubles and listen to the sounds at night. Right now, I dun wanna think about anyone, anything, regarding the past, the present or the future. No nth at all. absolutely, totally, zero, none, nah, zilch.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Told my boss I'd work till the end of this month.. He is the NICEST boss I've ever met(Not that i have had alot of bosses) But yea, u get what i mean:) I'm sort of in a dilemma.. I wna work but i'm sick of working.. But after reading some biographies, i feel like challenging myself to earn more money for the company through some new experiments.. I'm actually a very ironic person.. Or is everyone like that..? e.g. I'm confident, yet insecure. Dno what's wrong with me either.. I'm a very independent person(at least to a large extent), yet i'm very dependent on ppl, in a sense that sometimes i need ppl's recognisions and approvals when i do something. Sometimes this can be tiring. It can be good in a way whereby i'm polite to ppl and i know the basic ways to treat ppl. dun be surprised that nowadays not much ppl noes how to treat others with basic courtesy anymore, let alone go the extra mile without being asked to do so. In my opinion, this society is very much self-centred and self-contradictory. The way i have become moulded by this society is NEgative. U dun feel happy and great if u dun have ur own mindset and thinking AND the ability to open ur mind to listen to others' opinions at a neutral stand. i dun noe. i just feel that it'd be a disaster to leave ur fate in the hands of the society cuz ppl are selfish and u won't get what u want even if u worked hard for it, unless u do it smart. Well, anyway, i hope i'm on the right track towards my life destination now. There're afew obstacles in my sight right now which i'm sure i haVe to get rid if i want to breakthrough this vicious cycle in front of me. but it's gna hurt if i'm gna throw this away. It's like asking a rich woman to throw away her precious diamond in order to grant her a wish that would be better for her life. HAH. what an analogy. whatever. something like that.. I remember the days in J1 when everything were new, and i could be myself, and everything were good,& ppl were nice. I loved it. i could do what i want and i even stepped out of my comfort zone to host for afew events.. where some were mediocre performances, and some were fantastic. Wish I'd have the chance to live such a life again. Maybe i should open up my mind and sort out what i want again.

*******Slowly we recognize and some sorta know who will be there for long, no matter what happens. let's be contented with what we have, even if it weren't expected; even if part of the truth hurts. cuz this is life and reality. Don't let someone else's heck care become a burden on ur shoulders, cos they dun even care in the first place ya?*********