Monday, August 31, 2009









Hey ho~

These few days have been such nua days.. I got study abit la.. But feel very the nua. Nua until sibeh jialat. I'm like a gliding snake at home.. hahaha... Chatted with momo on phone for an hour just now.. We purposely drag the call for another 1min 30 sec to make it a full 1 hour call.. haha.. so lame.. Was so depressed just now.. For some reasons tt i can't say here... Oh well..
Anw, went back to school today to give e tchers e gifts... But then,we waited for damn long, cuz e teachers had celebration in hall.. I didn't even noe that j2s were supposedly invited to attend e celebration.. Communication break down... Internal DEOS... haha... wth...

Well... 18 years old... in a few hours time.. I no mood sia.
piang eh.

18 years old, i feel like i have to be more careful with my words and actions.. Young adult? lol.. If so, must set good example for e ginnas. haha..

Tml going kboxing, jap restaurant, and retail therapy with my besties=)

I dread the arrival of thursday. :(

Anw, i have some pictures of food from pastamania and breeks in my phone.. wanna upload.. but duno how to use the lg phone leh.. like cannot connect.. haha...

I realise my language quite singlish here... Dun feel like speaking proper English here leh.. haha..

I wna shop sia... but smehow, i still feel a heavy burden of studies on my shoulders, tho not as stressed as when prelims was approaching.. lol..

Gotta go.

Just wna mention,
my resolutions for 18 yrs old:
To know myself much better,
know what i want in my life more,
and to stop letting anything ridiculous(such as other ppls' ridiculous emotions and judgements) affect my mood for more than half a day.

If not, i'm a piggy=)


Friday, August 28, 2009

太神奇了。我姐是仙女:D 哈哈哈。。
有些琐碎的事情,我们要Filter, sift and block.不要太emotional.
人要主动。这个社会太现实,不同的人有不同的想法、性格和烦恼。如果你难过,不要奢望有人来安慰你,因为新加坡的社会与教育专著与数学与科学的发展。人们很容易忽略他人心灵上的需要;因而显得过于现实。要主动,要找一个你认为会了解你的情绪的人,向她倾诉。如果你认为这个人不会懂你的情绪或让你比较好受,不要想这个人倾诉,因为你会更难过。Find the right person, do the right thing, at the right time.

至于那些还在成长的小苹果。。。。 唉,慢慢来吧。

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sometimes, being materialistic is good. It makes ppl like me damn happy=D
But when u have too much freedom and ability to get it, the power kinda decrease yea?
Perhaps the process of yearning for something, and then finally getting it, is the best part of shopping.

I'm sooo looking forward to Saturday~:DDDDDDD

Anw, i Can'T believe that im gonna turn 18 soon. This is just so unbelievable... 18! Sounds so old! DDD:

More responsibilities in each and every aspect of life. But more freedom too..
Oh well.......

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Introduced by Peggy=)

不屑- 小鬼

And i realise that Kenji's songs are actually very nice..





Yoo Bin is soo pretty~
Pretty ppl and things makes me happy=) Doesn't matter if that makes me a materialistic person.
Being non- materialistic sometimes may just be a tad too hard. Cuz ppl are too immature. Including myself. Even the softest heart can become contaminated and broken in such an environment.

Monday, August 17, 2009




I love this song.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

No more.

That will be the last tears i'll ever waste like that.
On humans, on judgements.
Now onwards, I'll be stronger. than ever.
Ok, i've found the best way out.
Have faith.
Good luck to myself.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I've made up my mind.
I wouldn't stay there anymore.
I'll move on with all my courage.
Tears and disappointments won't make my faith and heart crippled.
But we've gotta learn to be smarter to protect ourselves.
To those who don't care, u just have to be natural and gentle towards it.
To those who care, cherish and love them.

P.S. Kim Bum is sO cute:-)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Helpless. But time will let everything fade away.

Fade away.. Real soon...
I often wonder.....
Do you hate me?

I watched one epi of e korean hana yori dango on tv.. Surprisingly it was nice=)
E female lead looks so cute when she smile..

Now i support both e taiwan version and korean version.. Sorry to say, but somehow e jap actors seem to be a turn off when i see their posters.. haha.. oops.
Played reversi online with strangers yest.. it was fun=)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My spirit is back=) [!]

Saturday, August 8, 2009

I love my sister and my family=)
"Believe in yourself"
It's really important, but people often forget about it.

I haven't smiled much recently. But i know i tried to smile. Tried; but to no avail. haha.. Can't seem to find the energy or reason to smile. Damn the stupid cycle. And it really doesn't help much with the same response to me. Showing me that u're unhappy with me too doesn't make me happier or smile or try to please u with a smile. It only makes me numb when i see displeasant response to my unhappy looks. It makes me feel more indifferent about whether anyone cares at all. Because i dun buy that.It really doesn't matter much, cuz i'm sick and tired of all these. Whatever it is, it's really none of my business. Who r u to make me feel threatened at all? Only passion and love will burn down the walls and ice that's built around my heart=)

The "Precious ones" are the loving and patient ones who would never give up on you no matter what you have done; right or wrong.

Love keeps u warm because you know they'd protect you whether u hate them or not. If u're still holding onto anyone who don't appreciate you, you should learn to love urself more and even better, break the ties with him/her. Cuz it's always the person who cares less who seemingly wins. A person like that isn't worth a single tear or even a shuddle when u get near. Not a single emotion.

Perhaps things have changed; perhaps I have changed. But it doesnt really matter.

Try melting the ice?

Till then.

Friday, August 7, 2009




OH, im so so so so so in love with Chris Daughtry. All his songs are nice~ And there goes the same for Avril Lavigne:D

I've gotten the idea that being emo can make others tired and angry of ourselves. So before any bad things happen, let's make this clear.

I dun give a hell damn on whether anyone respond to my emo entries because im just being myself. If anyone feels tired and sick of this, u have the option to ignore it. Dun come accusing me of being pretentious or causing troubles to u (due to my own emotions) if one day u think u can't stand it anymore, cuz im just gonna say you should hav myob. if u wanna care for me, care for me. u dun have the obligations to do what you're doing.

Ok? clear? anyway nth happened.. im just saying all these based on what i saw about some situations.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

有人说,拥有一样东西,就会失去一些东西。 我现在是很能体会它的意思。

P.S.看了UP 3D, 心情好多了。


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Found this at jiayi's blog=)

Very nice! :DDD [minus e act cool actions.. haha!]

And these are really good too!

Would you rather rely on a guy of lousy personal qualities just because you feel weak, or would you make yourself stronger by hook or by crook? I'd definitely choose the latter. Cuz such guys only brings you more troubles in the end. [Note: In case anyone becomes too sensitive, i'm not referring to anyone when i say this]
Obstacles are annoying.. nobody likes it much.. but it's what gives you the chance to learn to be stronger, no? I think it's interesting to observe how oneself changes by time due to the surroundings. Especially if e changes are unconscious initially. It's even more interesting to see how u'd grow to like e changes, even if it's e opposite of what is your original self. I see these changes taking place a little bit everyday, and i try to find some ways to alter it too.. In the process of inventing a frankenstein. Hahaha.. just kidding.. buaiz~