Saturday, January 30, 2010

I've put up some new songs:D First one is Chris Daughtry's "Open Up Your Eyes".. I love this song alot.. I listen to it when i'm angry, sad, frustrated or need to destress.. haha.. I kinda lyk its lyrics.. It's really nice, and i'd kinda tear up abit when i listen to its lyrics carefully.. Though it's just fictional.. I mean u can't possily agree with the lyrics cos it's just not right.. It's not as if one would be better if they die.. Suicide COUld be understandable, but it's never RIGht. I would never say tt suicide is a right decision. NEVer. No matter how tough things are, how much i feel lyk just banging the wall.. haha.. I think i'm still resilient and logical enough to seek solution; not end my life or what.. yea.. Btw, I really like Chris Daughtry alot.. I love e songs he sing, though i've only heard Over you, Spetember and this song.. Over You accompanied me through a period of time and gave me the strength and movtivation to discover myself, which is the stronger, better me right now. Different from the weakling in sec school. His voice is full of strength and he sings with emotions.. *heart*

Welp, anws, e second song is Olivia's I'll move on.. It's a touching song though i ain't christian.. But somehow, sometimes, though the lyrics are positive, i still feel abit sad listening to it.. haha..

The rest are some of the songs i had put up last time.. yep...

Anw, Thurs I went to AMK, Bugis, and Far East altogether.. But the most surprising thing is that I didn't buy anything except and Indian slippers and a pair of ear studs.. Really simple and elegant one... Slippers i bought from Amk hub Code Red.. $26.30 after discount.. very bling..! Their clothes oso very nice=) haha.. and studs from watts in..$17 bucks.. quite exp.. but i lyk..

Anw, one lesson that i had learnt today is, Never look down on customers. A Five dollar service could turn into a $10, then a $20, then a $320! Wow, yea? Srsly, i wasn't even pleased to serve him at first cuz he spoke broken English.. sory for being superficial.. my bad:( But he was very generous.. He asked about the strawberry nose thing... I told him 5 bucks.. then turned out to be 10 bucks.. But he didn't even so much Blink an eye when he took out e 10 bucks notes fr his wallet.. Then later i pushed him for e 3 in 1 nose package.. And again, he didnt blink when he took out another 10.. Well The beautician made him get e facial package of $300.. I dun noe if he did at least blink perhaps once this time.. hahaha.. But yea, tt's my lesson learned today..!

And i just wna mention, a publicised self note, that regarding something i once regretted in the past, that It wasn't, and would never be a mistake for my decision made. I promise. Albeit the fact that it was a rash decision made out of guilt and kindness(somehow), now that i think about it months later, i've decided tt it wasnt a wrong decision, and i wouldnt regret about it no more=) Yup, tt's about it..


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