Sunday, July 5, 2009

I have discovered a new goal and key principle of living my life:

To Appreciate.

Simple, pleasant and knowledgeable.

I feel it is a solution to problems that we face, as well as an important attitude of life.

Eat well. And when you're eating, learn to appreciate the food that you have. How many

people in this world would greatly appreciate the food you're given? Then don't waste your

time and resources doing silly things, procrastinating, watching videos u shouldn't watch,

complaining, gossiping. You'll utilise your energy properly, and want to bring better things to

this world to share with others.

The thing with the world today is, it is too perfect. To the extent that we start to take it for

granted, and start doing all the wrong things that destroys our or others' lives. When will we

realise this and learn to appreciate all that we have? I guess it's not too late for me to start

realising this now. And i wanna remember this forever.

Here's another example of why it can be a solution to our problems, when used with the

enzyme of 'resilience':

If you ever find yourself facing pain and fears in your life, and you take a step back to look at

the situation. Perhaps you'll be able to see the situation in a different light. If you have

experienced a traumatizing experience(unfortunately/ fortunately) of hearing or seeing

someone committing suicide, after talking it out to somebody you may trust, you might just

find yourself feeling lucky that you're alive, that you haven't done anything foolish like that.

You'll appreciate what you have, and move on with greater strength and wisdom, no?

If you ever find yourself in a stage fright before performing, think of how much efforts you

have put in for the performance, and also, appreciate the opportunity of which you've

beenpresented a chance to showcase what you have to your audiences, be it one, two,

three, hundreds, thousands....

If you ever find yourself facing failure with which it seems that there is no pleasant alternative

of choice, perhaps then you should learn your mistake, and appreciate that things hadn't

gone worse. And with resilience, you stand up again, to work and hope for a better


Appreciate is similar to 'gratitude'. However, i'd prefer the former, as 'gratitude' somehow

feels as if what you're doing is to repay what you owe somebody. It can be used on certain

situations though. For example our parents; i do think we owe them alot.

There were several things that kept me bothered over these months, i've thought of many

solutions to it, but sometimes it's hard not to run away from the realities, and sometimes, i just

can't think of any better solutions than the average ones i had. But now i have, And i

appreciate that.

Do appreciate this too. It took courage to write this, and it took courage to face these.

I wrote this for myself. But if it does help any passerbys, i hope it brightens the world abit.

Ending these with my MSN nick:

Miracles. you've got to break thru. even if u cant. u think. u hope and believe.

✿Soo Min

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