Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I'm sick, down wif a terrible sore throat, and fever of 38.2.. argh.
The only good thing about this is tt i can skip maths test and chinese lit test! yay!
But still... i'm doing gp tys... argh.. so hard... dno how to do sia.. or rather, i dun have the energy and mood to think hard, what with the sore throat and headache........ sia la.
but if i go and sleep i'll feel like i'm wasting time....
I've got mc for today and tml... duno whether i should still go to school....
If tml still got fever then i dun go le........

I feel like catching a movie and stop worrying or being upset about this and that... This is so sickening.


I think i've become quite materialistic... the only thing that makes me happy now is watching youtube and going for quick shopping trips(1hour) with my sis=) And she always sponsor me=D
So happy..

Ok la, go do work liao.

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