Monday, March 1, 2010

Haven't really update my blog for quite long.. Let's talk.. haha..

I'm currently working at Nails Nirvana, with 2 great bosses, and nice colleagues.. Oh well, not a fine weather day everyday, but it's still quite alright:) Good pay, and pretty good environment.. But no, i'm not a manicurist.. I'm a promoter.. haha.. I might just change my job to manicurist in mid May... so anw, life has been busy.. all about work, work and more work.. But good thing it's quite enjoyable.. just that sometimes it's abit tiring..

E best thing to do is to go shopping on my off day, and watch tv after my work:D haha.. currently i'm watching 妻子的诱惑.. got attracted to it while i was at my workplace.. haha.. they have a huge tv there.. weekdays 7pm... quite nice! About this woman whose husband fell for her best friend; they betrayed her and tried to kill her.. but it didn't work out, and they didn't know.. She was saved and went back as such a beautiful woman that nobody could recognise, and took her revenge.. Korean drama..

Anw, really hope e kbox session will be on on thursday.. I need to vent some of my frustrations! And do my facial:D haha.. my current working company does facial too:)
Omg, Friday could be our results taking day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't believe it man.. Dunno wad to do if anything bad happens.. choy choy.. Prolly go NIE ba.. or poly.. HMM....... dno la.. Pray hard.. & hope for e best.. 12am liaoz.. gtg zzZ..

Good night world, sweet dreams..

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