Monday, March 8, 2010

Wahseh... Just watched 妻子的诱惑.. Frigging blood boiling... It's partly because of this kind of man that's why woman must be more independent and strong.. Sometimes even stronger than them.. Just to protect ourselves.. Haiz.. This Encai.. so poor thing.. IF I WERE HER! I'd have divorced at the 10th episode.. She still can tahan till episode20++... Haha.. siao ady me.. Her in- laws are lyk frigging BAD can. and she's so naive.. I think mean in-laws are such a tragedy.. I had a colleague who had mean in-laws.. So poor thing.. came from cambodia and still have to tolerate such treatments.. Think foreigners so good to push around isit..? Next time they had better experience themselves being ALONE in a foreign country almost permanently.. See if they still dare to treat ppl so mean >:D hehe.. Haiz.... so poor thing............

Oh yes! JIAYI! *waves like mad back* HAHA. thanks for reading, and thanks for your advice! Actually i didnt give up psychology! I just wanted more time to confirm if what i want IS really psychology.. so tt i won't regret my choice! haha.. But now dno whether can anot.. Pray for me!:D

1 comment:

  1. Ohh I see :o Good luck! (: (Btw I heard from Vivien (she took Psychology in NP), it's kind of hard :O)
