Friday, March 5, 2010

If anyone still bothers to read my stagnant blog, and happens to also wonder how i fared for A Levels, here's my results.. Not veh gd.. But if u're dying to know..

Chinese Lit B
Maths C
Econs C
Mother tongue B
Project work A
General Paper C
General studies in chinese C


haha.. oh well.. wad can i do? it's fixed ady.. Hope i can get into Psychology... Pray for me ya..

quite disappointed about maths and CLL and GP and GSC..Expected A for CLL, A or B for GSC and GP, and hoped for a B for maths.. yikes.

But one of the best thing is to get a C for econs.. PHEW. srsly. I expected a D man. luckily lor..

I have actually not much of an idea of what i should apply for Uni.. or NIE?? It's either Psychology or English at NIE i think.. haha.. u must be shocked to see the word English.. but yea i like english alot.. GP was one of my better subjects back in sch.. E essay writing part.. it's always e compre that pull me down.. same for Chinese.. Love writing argumentative essays.. I think this time it's oso e compre tt pulled me down ba.. haiz..

Actually i dun have any idea what i should study de.. I just can't make up my mind.. but.. jus now when i look at the websites again, i realise i can fall asleep reading the contents of teaching for some of the courses, but not so for psychology.. I can even smile.. It's really very interesting.. Don't discourage me.. I have enough ppl discouraging me from taking psychology ady.. My parents, my sis, my friends.. but srsly, that's e only thing that i want to learn more about, up to the level of professionalism.. I know it's not easy, i nv said it's easy. But if it's something i lyk, it would be much more satisfying and suitable for me right? If there's anything u want to tell me about, pls speak in a more neutral and 'concrete facts' kind of manner.. What i need is facts and not merely opinions..Tell me more about it, and let me decide it myself.. And dun say things to me lyk: 'Then u go and take lor!' to me.. Cuz it's obviously insincere and sarcastic and it brings us to no whr but misery..

Nyways, i just had the urge to send my applications in to apply for the courses that i want.. then can stop thinking about all these.. it's so exhausting and tiring to make all these important decisions.. I hope i'll get into NUS... i hope.....

Tml have to work again.. I'll prolly go have a late night visit to esplanade again the day after tml.. It's great to sit under the night sky, in the open space, and look at the river and city lights and the lights coming from the buildings.. veh colourful.. And u can think about wad u want to do, sort your mind out, and all.. Or u can just stare into space and not think about anything.. I like e peace over there.. Very comforting.. except sometimes u'll hear some bunches and groups making loud noises nearby.. But it's alright, it's quite safe there.. There're police patrolling around the place...

Oh ya.. i havent book the tickets for Sarah Chang's concert.. and i haven't register for my dance class.. damn it.. if i dun register by next week, i think i'll ask shermaine to teach me piano.. I want to learn something new!!!!!! Though my new love is violin..

Alright.. that's about all for today.. Cheerios.. I think the most important thing we can do now is to be resilient and move on, and see what we can do next.. Though it's definitely easier said than done.. Jiayou..


  1. HI BOONIE *waves like mad* Yes I do read hahas, silent reader hehs.

    :o I'm surprise that you said psychology, because I thought you have given up on that & went to the JC route instead. Anyway, all the best okay! I don't like people discouraging me too hahas, so.. choose what you like, really. You being happy is the more important thing here (:

    Good luck! :D

  2. u know when getting a course in uni, the main important thing is to study what you like there, or else you'd be hard to graduate. so jus study what you want, psychology or not.
