Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Ten things I like about anything or myself:
1. Fairytale romance
2.Ralph Lauren
3. Vintage
4. Taking scenic/ abstract photos
5. Drawing/ painting
6. Playing Cello
7. Reading self help books
8. Watching taiwanese romance drama(there's just a really nice tingling feeling when i watch them.. haha)/ Inuyasha/ 康熙来了/ Xmen(or similar shows like.. avatar?)
9. Writing essays
10. The wind, the nature.. Mother earth<3

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

康熙来了 is really a damn funny, witty variety show.. & i guess it's kinda bcos of how S& kang can manage to bring out the 'truths' in ppl tt attracts ppl.. lol.. && anw, I like 蝴蝶姐姐! hahaha.. She's sooo cute and sweet.

Anw! Music therapy is really good. Such an easily influenced person like me, it's much easier to be healed by music. haha.. sad songs makes me depressed, rainy days makes me sad, high songs makes me filled with joy; and fine days makes me alive. SOO easily influenced. Is anyone e same as me? I thought i'd be e only one who becomes depressed any-o-how when e bathroom is dim.. but sherlyn and her cousin turned out to be the same!:) So i guess i'm not alone.. lolx. (PL always 提醒 me about it.. haha..)

Anw, 2009 is coming to an end, I guess i should do some sort of a conclusion about my JC life. haha..

Well, 2008 was a fabulous year I'd say. It was filled with sooo much fun and great stuff i nv thought would happen to me. It's a year when i came out of my comfort zone, and tried many neeww stuff tt's fun~ Like being able to be myself, being more daring to speak out, and enjoying my school life very much. I got to be emcee for C.O& guitar concert, wed espresso(tho this one wasnt very well.. hahaha.) volunteered as helper for some sch events, joined e slacking IT club, got to learn chinese literature, GSC& GP which made me very happy. I didnt appreciate maths and econs that much until my second year. Anw, Chinese lit.. it may sound very cheena yes, but i guess it really takes some passion and patience to appreciate it. I wouldnt blabber about its greatness here.. haha.. dun wry. GSC&GP-- they taught me how to argue, e logic behind a written argument, and i finally got to force myself to read and find out about singapore, about the society, and to learn some facts and figures, that in my opinion is rather important. I appreciate the beauty behind writing an essay.

What i like about econs is.. It helps me to know more about the economic terms, the structure, policies, and their usage, which i like alot because i can relate to them and understand some related newspaper reports. (though im still kinda weak) But i feel i've learned something i'd remember for the rest of my life.. and that makes me happy..

As for maths.. it's kind of complicated. I love maths, and i hate maths. If not for my own sluggishness and laziness in J1, haha.. I think i wouldnt have had hated maths some time in J2.. hahaha.. cuz i realised i forgot tremendous amount of stuff i've learned, and at that time, there was a need for me to dedicate the precious time on econs, for i had wasted my J1 econs lessons learning close to nothing. I would blame my J1 econs teachers, and myself for this. Cuz they didnt teach us how to study econs.. and i didnt thought of trying my own way to try to figure out just What is the best way for me to study econs. I guess i'd thank my sis for recommending me to study by writing out notes. It godamn works! haha.. Ohya.. bck to maths.. It's actually a wonderful thing to study maths.. And e sense of satisfaction u get when u understand how to solve a question and manage to solve a similar one is great too... I guess i'd say that actually stats is easier than pure maths for the exam.. but if u'd ask me to do the maths preliminary exam for other schools, i dun think i can do it.. Prelims are big killers.. haha..

As for Project work, i actually didnt really like the way it drained my energy out cuz it's really tiring.. But i like my group mates.. they're actually very nice.. sharifah.. saykiong..etc..(miss yall alot!) It was the first time in my life that I skipped school too.. HAHA. which i dun regret at all. You see, im the kind who'd feel really guilty or uneasy if i skip school without a good reason. Even if im a little sick, like flu, i wouldnt, unless it's like a really baddd sore throat that is enough to let me tell my mumzy, like 'hey mumzy, i'm sick. i dun wna go to school today.' & then drop dead on my bed. Oh anw, i skipped school because i didnt sleep on the previous night at all.. working throughout the night with 2 other pw grp members till e morning when i really couldnt be bothered no more, and felt like i was gonna get a heart attack anytime... I wonder if anyone did pw until such a pathetic state like us.. hahaha.. the results is good.. which made it all worth it.:)

Enough of academic stuff..

ok.. anw, on my blog, i only write wadever comes to my mind, there's isnt a very decent stucture cuz i dun like to draft or think too much when i write on my blog.. I'd only click on the backspace if i dun think i should publish what i've wrote..=)

Anw, 2009.

2009 was a lousy year, in e sense that it was filled with emotional turmoils.. E ups and downs was totally crazy. I'd be happy this moment and the next moment, i couldnt find a reason to smile. Often i'd feel so lonely and depressed, feeling like i had been deserted by the world, when in fact, it was often me who rejected the world. If i'd compare my sec school life with my life in J1, i'd say.. I had been mostly feeling inferior and very.. quiet? closed up? But it was different in J1. We all got to start anew in a new environment, we got the chance to be more daring.. and most importantly, be ourselves. That was SO MUCH different from sec sch years, when i kept surpressing myself, controlling myself to be what is more 'accepted', rather than who I was. It's like Taylor Swift's song, Fifteen--

"And when you're fifteen feeling like there's nothing to figure out
Well, count to ten, take it in
This is life before you know who you're gonna be

But now we know better. Well the sad thing is, I didn't be myself when I was in J2. I guess it's prolly bcos it was too stressful for me, for i put lots of pressure on myself. I knew that i was fallin way behind so many, and if i didnt try harder, i wouldnt make it. There was many long periods of time i'd feel insecure, depressed. I couldnt smile naturally, couldnt See the reason why i had to smile to anyone, and no matter how much i tell myself tt i shouldnt be like that, i couldnt control myself. I guess i had offended AlOt of ppl becos of my dulan look when i dun smile. haha.. paiseh, couldnt help it man. But now im starting to get much better. It's like a emotional tornado that swept me off my feet, and now i finally pulled myself out of it. A little wounded i am, but i'll certainly be better in no time. Just like how much fun! i had when i was waiting for O level results...

Well.. It was a lil hard to walk through the journey, but after going through this year, i feel im stronger. Stronger than before.

I'd say, 2008 was a year filled with surprises, confidence and fun, and 2009 is a year that has made me stronger.

I shall put aside my worries for A level results, and some unwanted worries aside for now, and have the best time of my life. It'll be damn fun.:DDD Afterall this is life, we should live everyday like it's the last day of our lives no? ;)

Anw, I'm gonna clean my heart out of dirt and insignificant, petty stuff that's filling my soul with rubbish, and start giving it some vitamins and sunshine:) I dun want to live just for anybody, neither will i let anybody's judgments and labellings affect me so badly anymore. Afterall, I live for myself and my family, and my good friends of course! haha.. i guess we all know who are the ones who truly cares for us deep in our hearts. And these ppl are precious enough for us to cherish and care. We dun need loads of hi-bye or fake friends, even if it's only 1 or 2 good friends, it's enough ya? Let alone i have more than 5!:)

OK!!! quite enough said! haha. OH. btw, i finally made my own atm card today.. haha.. and my contact lens which i havent wear for who knows how long? noe wad? my left eye's perfect, and my right eye's 75degrees.. haha.. So i only need to buy lens for one side.. lol.. Noo.. im not wasting money.. u might be thinking tt there isnt a frigging need to buy any lens, buT! i need them.. cuz i keep having migraine these days cuz i strain my right eye too much.... serious!

Alright.. Well i feel like shopping tml.. =) random.. haha..


P.S. Would it be weird if I change my name to.. Belle? or.. Ashley? haha.. just for fun! like e korean Soo Min i named myself previously.. haha.. BYE!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

The time is 5.48, but i'm wide awake. Feel a lil silly.

Why am i thinking about all these ppl who dun even give a damn about what happens to me? I dun wna cheat myself to think that i dun care about these ppl though i really should. lol..

Oh well.. And there's the A Level stuff that had kept me awake throughout the many hours just now, albeit my knowing that there's lesser than 3 hours left to sleep..

Accounting schools?

srsly, advice me. i need lots of advices. Anw, i'm really worried about econs. Very worried. This is the most worrying exam i've taken in my life so far. I really hope i'd get at least a C. I'd jump for joy. An ABCAB is already not bad. At least i've tried my best yea? Haha.. But even if u've tried ur best, does it matter? I enjoyed the learning process, yes. but the results are equally important.

ok, i'm getting sleepy already. Goodnight, world.

I wish i can sleep under a sky filled with stars. I'd be so touched.

Cute? An uncompleted drawing of my dream house last time.. The completed one kena deleted. I want a balcony where u can have loads of space, sip tea, and enjoy the night scenaries. I'll have lamps around to make the whole place romantic. I'll have a front garden and backyard filled with beautiful flowers, a beautiful tree, swings and benches, and low fences. It'll be an open garden that welcomes anyone who wouldn't litter inside. I'll have my own secret garden at the back, it's an enclosed one with an auto(adjustable) shelter where i can have my own privacies and space. I'll have 2 cute tiny dogs.. Aww.. HaHA. I can imagine;) So magical. Haha.. i admit. i'm childish. no choice.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Que que na-to-ra
You will understand

Listen with your heart
You will understand

Let it break upon you
Like a wave upon the sand

Listen with your heart
You will understand

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Northern Light composed and played by Emily Bear. It's beautiful..

In Pocahontas, it says listen with your heart, and you will understand. And it said, listen to your heart; listen to the spirit within. Should I? Succumb to fear or stand up with courage like Pocahontas.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Hooray! I've finally watched Disney's Beauty and the Beast!:D Such beautiful story=)
Few days ago I had watched Mulan 1 and Mulan 2, and The Little Mermaid.. So sweet.. Gonna watch Cinderella, Lion King and the sleeping beauty and more when i have the time:)))

I've completed my exams today! Whee! Gonna meet momo and co. in an hour plus time.. So happy! Wheeeee!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Herman Hesse says: Happiness is a how; not a what.A talent; not an object.

What do you think?









HAIZ. Ppl are such complex animals. I guess sometimes we don't even know ourselves or what we're doing? For better, for worse, who is to say it's not for the best?

Friday, November 20, 2009

For those who are not aware, Takopachi has vegetarian flavours too:D Corn or Pea flavour;)

Tomato soup and Garlic bread from Dhoby Gaut basement is very delicious neh!

The first fried egg that i cook by myself since a long time ago.

Anw, i'm just gonna pray hard for Econs.. Pray for me too okay? I hope to at least get a C for it.. At the very least......

1 more paper to go.. Jiayou!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

I can't believe there's just nine more days to go.. jiayou=)

最适合我的两个字就是 “矛盾”。

I need a recharge for my soul... I wna run around barefooted.. Feel the soil under my feet, taking pictures of the beautiful earth, spending time with myself and the nature, music, arts and fun, before i start opening my heart to anything else again. Guess i've closed my heart for quite some time, i dun even noe when it started. Whatever it is, it'll soon be over, and hopefully i'll find myself again=) I can feel it nearer now.. But with something different and newer this time.

Must we choose between heart and mind? what would you choose if it were you? What if ur heart contradicts ur mind so much, and yet the heart is what you desire, while ur mind tells you what is right and the best outcome? Talk about irony. It feels like I'm two person.

Oh well, dun worry be happy.. 船到桥头自然直..

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

My owly theme wallpaper at night... so cute!

P.S> HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO PL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A lesson a day keeps the mind awake.(and aware)

Friday, November 6, 2009

By Sarah Chang

Tchaikovsky violin concerto part1

You can find the rest on youtube=)

Chopin's Nocturne (Milstein) --I like this the best amongst the three.. It's perfecto. at least to me..

J.S. Bach - Air on the G String

You might not be used to her facial expressions, but it shows her emotions and feelings as she play each note on her violin. Very beautiful.=)

Note that all three videos features Sarah Chang=)

I like her more than Vanessa Mae, you can search for vanessa Mae on youtube.. She plays extremely well too.. but I dun like her aura.. Too strong, very very very confident, till she loses the benefit of being seen as humble. Sarah plays as well, but she shows her emotions more. I like to see their emotions.. Vanessa's concerts lets impresses ppl with her skills and music, but somehow, it feels abit too.. solid.. tt's just my opinion though.. go see go see~

Sunday, November 1, 2009

If you're free, create an igoogle page=)

Try the Tea House theme with the little fox.. The fox does different things at different time:) Very cute!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Monday, October 26, 2009

The stars are always there=)

Friday, October 23, 2009


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

不知道为什么最近很有过年气氛的感觉。。哈哈。。像是年头似的。。大概是天气的原因吧~ 最近的天气超级棒!=)我就是喜欢这种好天气。


Awaiting the renaissance of the Arts as an important, irreplaceable component in the system of the Singapore education.

Awaiting the day when the Arts will be recognised for the value it was truly worthed.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009






























Saturday, September 5, 2009


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Happy Birthday=)

I had a real great time with my besties yesterday=)
Sang our hearts out, or rather, screamed our hearts out at k garden.. lolol..
2- 8... 11 bucks.. No bad eh? haha..

Played a fool with sherlyn's scarf, had her wrapped up like mummy; crapped; laughed like a hyena; took pictures; ate peanuts(lol)... We started with Sher's ktv-must-sing: 王八蛋... hahaha.. And then all those power songs we all screamed the lyrics.. Then sang loads of songs, and ended with SHE's song.. Forgot what's its name.. i think is 美丽新世界? A positive song...

Afterwhich, momo parted with us, and e 3 os us went for Thai Express=) E dark soysauce with tofu and season beans with rice was soooo goood! I'd recommend ppl to try it=) Opened my presents there after being urged by sherlyn... haha.. They are damnn nice!! Love all the gifts i received.. I guess now i can put a cross on the bunny slippers under my "wishlist to santa".. haha.. PL got me nail polish~ damn nice! know my taste sia.. haha.. not bad ah PL.. haha.. Then Sher's prez was a pair of gorgeous crystal ear studs.. I dun dare to wear it.. haha.. It's so pretty i'm afraid i'll lose it.. Still thinking whether i should wear it to school or for special occasions, tho sher says i should wear it to school..=)

And then PL and us parted... We went to the malay bazaar at Paya Lebar... The stuffs there are rather cool....~ I think the bazaar's rather unique... The design of items is creative... Bought 3 pairs of earrings at 5bucks.. Their design's damn cool... And bought some other 零散 de stuffs too..

When we left, we took diff buses... And poor me was stuck at amk hub at 12 plus cuz no more buses to my hse.. lol.. so had to ask my dad to fetch me.. He was at bedok.. waited till going to 1... While waiting i decided to do smethng constructive and so i read my birthday cards... My friends are so damn cute.. Sent me laughing and smiling while i read it.. my bhb friends.. haha.. The cards and letter are so sweet.. love em all=)

Anw i slept at 2 plus.. sianz.. And i dreamed about myself cannot remember my notes.. so scary can.. i think abit too stressed la.. haha.. gotta go study le.. jiayou ppl=)

P.S. I've had a realisation that we must use both our mind and heart to handle situations... I've been using too much of my heart.. tt's why i keep getting hurt and upset.. lol.. Oh well.. kempateh neh..=)

Monday, August 31, 2009









Hey ho~

These few days have been such nua days.. I got study abit la.. But feel very the nua. Nua until sibeh jialat. I'm like a gliding snake at home.. hahaha... Chatted with momo on phone for an hour just now.. We purposely drag the call for another 1min 30 sec to make it a full 1 hour call.. haha.. so lame.. Was so depressed just now.. For some reasons tt i can't say here... Oh well..
Anw, went back to school today to give e tchers e gifts... But then,we waited for damn long, cuz e teachers had celebration in hall.. I didn't even noe that j2s were supposedly invited to attend e celebration.. Communication break down... Internal DEOS... haha... wth...

Well... 18 years old... in a few hours time.. I no mood sia.
piang eh.

18 years old, i feel like i have to be more careful with my words and actions.. Young adult? lol.. If so, must set good example for e ginnas. haha..

Tml going kboxing, jap restaurant, and retail therapy with my besties=)

I dread the arrival of thursday. :(

Anw, i have some pictures of food from pastamania and breeks in my phone.. wanna upload.. but duno how to use the lg phone leh.. like cannot connect.. haha...

I realise my language quite singlish here... Dun feel like speaking proper English here leh.. haha..

I wna shop sia... but smehow, i still feel a heavy burden of studies on my shoulders, tho not as stressed as when prelims was approaching.. lol..

Gotta go.

Just wna mention,
my resolutions for 18 yrs old:
To know myself much better,
know what i want in my life more,
and to stop letting anything ridiculous(such as other ppls' ridiculous emotions and judgements) affect my mood for more than half a day.

If not, i'm a piggy=)


Friday, August 28, 2009

太神奇了。我姐是仙女:D 哈哈哈。。
有些琐碎的事情,我们要Filter, sift and block.不要太emotional.
人要主动。这个社会太现实,不同的人有不同的想法、性格和烦恼。如果你难过,不要奢望有人来安慰你,因为新加坡的社会与教育专著与数学与科学的发展。人们很容易忽略他人心灵上的需要;因而显得过于现实。要主动,要找一个你认为会了解你的情绪的人,向她倾诉。如果你认为这个人不会懂你的情绪或让你比较好受,不要想这个人倾诉,因为你会更难过。Find the right person, do the right thing, at the right time.

至于那些还在成长的小苹果。。。。 唉,慢慢来吧。

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sometimes, being materialistic is good. It makes ppl like me damn happy=D
But when u have too much freedom and ability to get it, the power kinda decrease yea?
Perhaps the process of yearning for something, and then finally getting it, is the best part of shopping.

I'm sooo looking forward to Saturday~:DDDDDDD

Anw, i Can'T believe that im gonna turn 18 soon. This is just so unbelievable... 18! Sounds so old! DDD:

More responsibilities in each and every aspect of life. But more freedom too..
Oh well.......

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Introduced by Peggy=)

不屑- 小鬼

And i realise that Kenji's songs are actually very nice..





Yoo Bin is soo pretty~
Pretty ppl and things makes me happy=) Doesn't matter if that makes me a materialistic person.
Being non- materialistic sometimes may just be a tad too hard. Cuz ppl are too immature. Including myself. Even the softest heart can become contaminated and broken in such an environment.

Monday, August 17, 2009




I love this song.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

No more.

That will be the last tears i'll ever waste like that.
On humans, on judgements.
Now onwards, I'll be stronger. than ever.
Ok, i've found the best way out.
Have faith.
Good luck to myself.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I've made up my mind.
I wouldn't stay there anymore.
I'll move on with all my courage.
Tears and disappointments won't make my faith and heart crippled.
But we've gotta learn to be smarter to protect ourselves.
To those who don't care, u just have to be natural and gentle towards it.
To those who care, cherish and love them.

P.S. Kim Bum is sO cute:-)

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Helpless. But time will let everything fade away.

Fade away.. Real soon...
I often wonder.....
Do you hate me?

I watched one epi of e korean hana yori dango on tv.. Surprisingly it was nice=)
E female lead looks so cute when she smile..

Now i support both e taiwan version and korean version.. Sorry to say, but somehow e jap actors seem to be a turn off when i see their posters.. haha.. oops.
Played reversi online with strangers yest.. it was fun=)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

My spirit is back=) [!]

Saturday, August 8, 2009

I love my sister and my family=)
"Believe in yourself"
It's really important, but people often forget about it.

I haven't smiled much recently. But i know i tried to smile. Tried; but to no avail. haha.. Can't seem to find the energy or reason to smile. Damn the stupid cycle. And it really doesn't help much with the same response to me. Showing me that u're unhappy with me too doesn't make me happier or smile or try to please u with a smile. It only makes me numb when i see displeasant response to my unhappy looks. It makes me feel more indifferent about whether anyone cares at all. Because i dun buy that.It really doesn't matter much, cuz i'm sick and tired of all these. Whatever it is, it's really none of my business. Who r u to make me feel threatened at all? Only passion and love will burn down the walls and ice that's built around my heart=)

The "Precious ones" are the loving and patient ones who would never give up on you no matter what you have done; right or wrong.

Love keeps u warm because you know they'd protect you whether u hate them or not. If u're still holding onto anyone who don't appreciate you, you should learn to love urself more and even better, break the ties with him/her. Cuz it's always the person who cares less who seemingly wins. A person like that isn't worth a single tear or even a shuddle when u get near. Not a single emotion.

Perhaps things have changed; perhaps I have changed. But it doesnt really matter.

Try melting the ice?

Till then.

Friday, August 7, 2009




OH, im so so so so so in love with Chris Daughtry. All his songs are nice~ And there goes the same for Avril Lavigne:D

I've gotten the idea that being emo can make others tired and angry of ourselves. So before any bad things happen, let's make this clear.

I dun give a hell damn on whether anyone respond to my emo entries because im just being myself. If anyone feels tired and sick of this, u have the option to ignore it. Dun come accusing me of being pretentious or causing troubles to u (due to my own emotions) if one day u think u can't stand it anymore, cuz im just gonna say you should hav myob. if u wanna care for me, care for me. u dun have the obligations to do what you're doing.

Ok? clear? anyway nth happened.. im just saying all these based on what i saw about some situations.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

有人说,拥有一样东西,就会失去一些东西。 我现在是很能体会它的意思。

P.S.看了UP 3D, 心情好多了。


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Found this at jiayi's blog=)

Very nice! :DDD [minus e act cool actions.. haha!]

And these are really good too!

Would you rather rely on a guy of lousy personal qualities just because you feel weak, or would you make yourself stronger by hook or by crook? I'd definitely choose the latter. Cuz such guys only brings you more troubles in the end. [Note: In case anyone becomes too sensitive, i'm not referring to anyone when i say this]
Obstacles are annoying.. nobody likes it much.. but it's what gives you the chance to learn to be stronger, no? I think it's interesting to observe how oneself changes by time due to the surroundings. Especially if e changes are unconscious initially. It's even more interesting to see how u'd grow to like e changes, even if it's e opposite of what is your original self. I see these changes taking place a little bit everyday, and i try to find some ways to alter it too.. In the process of inventing a frankenstein. Hahaha.. just kidding.. buaiz~

Friday, July 31, 2009

Mew Kitty~

So cute=)


Misunderstandings are hard to clear.

But I do hope that u'll look deeply into it before u decide on anything.

Pause and think thrice before u label me.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

you ren shuo,


ni jue de ne?
I'm sick, down wif a terrible sore throat, and fever of 38.2.. argh.
The only good thing about this is tt i can skip maths test and chinese lit test! yay!
But still... i'm doing gp tys... argh.. so hard... dno how to do sia.. or rather, i dun have the energy and mood to think hard, what with the sore throat and headache........ sia la.
but if i go and sleep i'll feel like i'm wasting time....
I've got mc for today and tml... duno whether i should still go to school....
If tml still got fever then i dun go le........

I feel like catching a movie and stop worrying or being upset about this and that... This is so sickening.


I think i've become quite materialistic... the only thing that makes me happy now is watching youtube and going for quick shopping trips(1hour) with my sis=) And she always sponsor me=D
So happy..

Ok la, go do work liao.

Wow, this cake on xiujuan's blog makes me crave for some cakey=) *slurp*
There isn't any obligations or rules that says i've got to listen to you or wadever.
Srsly, i don't understand what i'm doing anymore.
Why am i wasting time on such a person like you?
I have spent enough time and efforts on maintaining this strength consuming, insensible thing that takes the shape of its surroundings.
It's not worth it.
It's time to move on, and i won't look back.
Even if i do,
I know i won't be moved.
That's all.
That's the end.
When i've become strong enough again, i'll thank you for the memories then.
But only till then.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Can you guess exactly how many 'last straws' are there when the feelings are still there?
I guess it's endless.
But well..
Heck these last straws,
I'm gonna sprint now.


What had used to be important then, might just be insignificant now.
Doesn't matter...
doesn't matter....
Just smile and move on,
don't look back.
Don't Regret.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Dark Pitches

It's always easy to walk inside, to fall inside those little little dark pitches.
It always takes what seem like infinite courage and strength to climb out.
But once you start to, once you're Willing to go out again, things starts to get a lil easier.


I think i totally went berserk yesterday. Broke down, went mad and did all e wrong stuffs.
Wrong Wrong Wrong.
I need to sleep early man.
But the funny thing is..
There doesn't seem to be sufficient time to do so.
where on earth r u right now..?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

si bei sianz ji pua.

I'm studying CLL here in the library(using comp), and so many ppl are chatting about stuffs on facebook... I also wanna play... BUT. For the sake of.... NUS... Must PERSEVERE! BYE~!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Did Jordan Chandler confess that he lied about the abuse from michael jackson?

For one moment, i thought he confessed. But i wanted to know how credible it was..
so i searched and searched for the source of the statement, and after three quart. hr, i found this article..

Well, honestly, i didnt feel anything for Michael Jackson's death.. I'm not a huge fan of his.. I was shocked to hear about his death, yes, but tt's all..

Tt's bcuz i nv liked his looks.. He looked scary.. utterly scary..

However, after reading the many articles, I feel so sorry for him..

Whether he did abuse the kid before, we'll never know. There're too much complicacy within. However, the treatment he had received from the mass media was way too harsh and condemning than what a man could take. It does seem unforgivable if he had really done so... But if he had really done so, i'd think the root cause was his being abused by his father when he was young.Thus, his crime should be forgiven.

Instead, he had to go thru the torture and treatment from the mass media which by its nature caters to the sadistic cravings of people to hear about obscene stuffs and mockeries. Well, had he been an ordinary man, i feel that the punishments for such a mistake would have been much lighter compared to what he did.
I mean.. At least, as an "ordinary" man, anyone who'd committed a crime or whatsoever would at least be given a chance to turn over a new leaf. But he's not. As a superstar, he cannot confess if he did. he have to choose to deny, whether he wanted to, or not. This is just one factor... There're definitely more reasons as to why his "punishment" was too much even for a man who really am a paedophile.. (i'm not saying MJ is one.. I'm just saying "IF" he was one.)

Well, but if he's wrongfully accused, such a sin committed by the chandlers-- the pain inflicted upon such a man's painful soul would be unestimated.

Whatever it is... I wanna say:

R.I.P. Michael Jackson,
my condolences to his fans;
wishing you the best from the bottom of my heart.

P/S I hope the truth of the case would be revealed one day... Tho it's seemingly impossible.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

So many things to do!
I havent contacted PL and mo for uber godamn long time...
Everyone's busy like Whoo~.. Well well.... Less than a 100 days!

P.S. Wish u were here to talk to me, like u used to.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Things were just not meant to be.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

我不想忘记你- 郭静





Tuesday, July 14, 2009

99 Days! Oh goD!

It's always hard to start smiling again when you feel you've lost the purpose and meaning to smile.

But it's so much easier once you take the first step out.

For life should be filled with genuine smiles, courage and comforts, be there a reason or not.



P/S Dying from fatigue tho. Haha... O.O

Monday, July 13, 2009

Somehow, someway, the _______ is often pulled into those tensions that exist between those people. This is a sensitive issue so i shall not say much. But srsly, 清者自清,只要问心无愧就好。 I know it's quite pointless to phrase like that.. But im afraid that if i mention the name there may be more unrests. hopefully not. When will people stop killing themselves?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The core reason behind being philosophical is to protect and defend oneself.

waddya think?
"What Love is to Kids."

A group of professional people posed this question to a group of four through eight year olds, "What does love mean?" The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think:

"Love is that first feeling you feel before all the bad stuff gets in the way."

"When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn’t bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That’s love."

"When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You know that your name is safe in their mouth."

"Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other."

"Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your french fries without making them give you any of theirs."

"Love is when someone hurts you. And you get so mad but you don’t yell at them because you know it would hurt their feelings."

"Love is what makes you smile when you’re tired."

"Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK."

"Love is what’s in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen."

"If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate."

"When you tell someone something bad about yourself and you’re scared they won’t love you anymore. But then you get surprised because not only do they still love you, they love you even more."

"There are two kinds of love: Our love and God’s love. But God makes both kinds of them."

"Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday."

"Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well."

"During my piano recital, I was on a stage and scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn’t scared anymore."

"My mommy loves me more than anybody. You don’t see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night."

"Love is when mommy gives daddy the best piece of chicken."

"Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day."

"I let my big sister pick on me because my Mom says she only picks on me because she loves me. So I pick on my baby sister because I love her."

"Love cards like Valentine’s cards say stuff on them that we’d like to say ourselves, but we wouldn’t be caught dead saying."

"When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you"

"You really shouldn’t say ‘I love you’ unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget."

Wahpiang! my icecream!!

You know how it felt when u were young and ur icecream dropped onto the floor and you felt so upset? haha..

Well, i was scooping ice cream just now.. and being the violent me, i exerted too much force on the sppon which then acted like a lever, flipping the ice cream onto the wall and then onto the floor. *gulp*

And the worse thing is it's Hagen Daz ice cream. *pulls hair*

haha. ok.. enuff drama..

wahpiang.. it's terrible... Cuz hagen daz belgium chocolate ice cream has got to be the Best ice cream in the world man. You should try it too!


I want nobody nobody but chu!~



Just went shopping~! totally satisfied after the whole week's draining work and stress!

Gonna wake up early to study tml=)


✿ Soo Min

Thursday, July 9, 2009

It's so gooood to talk to urself..


Somethings are meant to be kept to urself.

Somethings might not even be clear to oneself..

That's why talking helps.

It makes people happier and smarter.



P/S I've deleted the tagboard cuz lyk i said in the past, i hate to see it empty.
Now i know why i love wordpress more than blogger.. haha..

but i think ppl'll box me with i change back.. so maybe wait abit longer then see how ba.. haha..
I hate reality.
That's all i can say.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Linda 廖佩玲!<3 My new idol!

She's so sunshine and super cute! I feel happy everytime i see her photo(:
Call me materialistic or whatever! i dun care! cuz she's really so cute!

Today has been a happy day except for one lil misunderstanding which has been resolved!
I'm happy for myself. I think i'm in the sky...................

ok. back to earth.. Tml's math mock test! O.O

Anws chipmunk told me in school that my blog entries are emo! GOT MEH? Where got emo??? I only emo why my tagboard nobody tag!:(
My urge to move back to wordpress is rising fast! Whoo~!


Sunday, July 5, 2009

I have discovered a new goal and key principle of living my life:

To Appreciate.

Simple, pleasant and knowledgeable.

I feel it is a solution to problems that we face, as well as an important attitude of life.

Eat well. And when you're eating, learn to appreciate the food that you have. How many

people in this world would greatly appreciate the food you're given? Then don't waste your

time and resources doing silly things, procrastinating, watching videos u shouldn't watch,

complaining, gossiping. You'll utilise your energy properly, and want to bring better things to

this world to share with others.

The thing with the world today is, it is too perfect. To the extent that we start to take it for

granted, and start doing all the wrong things that destroys our or others' lives. When will we

realise this and learn to appreciate all that we have? I guess it's not too late for me to start

realising this now. And i wanna remember this forever.

Here's another example of why it can be a solution to our problems, when used with the

enzyme of 'resilience':

If you ever find yourself facing pain and fears in your life, and you take a step back to look at

the situation. Perhaps you'll be able to see the situation in a different light. If you have

experienced a traumatizing experience(unfortunately/ fortunately) of hearing or seeing

someone committing suicide, after talking it out to somebody you may trust, you might just

find yourself feeling lucky that you're alive, that you haven't done anything foolish like that.

You'll appreciate what you have, and move on with greater strength and wisdom, no?

If you ever find yourself in a stage fright before performing, think of how much efforts you

have put in for the performance, and also, appreciate the opportunity of which you've

beenpresented a chance to showcase what you have to your audiences, be it one, two,

three, hundreds, thousands....

If you ever find yourself facing failure with which it seems that there is no pleasant alternative

of choice, perhaps then you should learn your mistake, and appreciate that things hadn't

gone worse. And with resilience, you stand up again, to work and hope for a better


Appreciate is similar to 'gratitude'. However, i'd prefer the former, as 'gratitude' somehow

feels as if what you're doing is to repay what you owe somebody. It can be used on certain

situations though. For example our parents; i do think we owe them alot.

There were several things that kept me bothered over these months, i've thought of many

solutions to it, but sometimes it's hard not to run away from the realities, and sometimes, i just

can't think of any better solutions than the average ones i had. But now i have, And i

appreciate that.

Do appreciate this too. It took courage to write this, and it took courage to face these.

I wrote this for myself. But if it does help any passerbys, i hope it brightens the world abit.

Ending these with my MSN nick:

Miracles. you've got to break thru. even if u cant. u think. u hope and believe.

✿Soo Min
Don't think I wanna know you

I'm tired of running after you

I won't send you sorry cards

Cos I don't need to

I've given up and I'll never reminisce

I've found a way, I'm getting over this

I'll let go in every way

Cos I don't need you

Friday, July 3, 2009

Watched Ice Age3 today!

I recommend everyone to watch bcos it's sooo cute and funny!!!!!

Love it! I love buck, crash and eddie the most! They are sooooo adorable!

I'll give it a five star. It's definitely worth it(:

btw, if u dun noe,

i only watch 4 kinds of movies:

1. Comedy

2. Romance

3. Action

4. Arts

I DO NOT Watch the followings:

1. Sadistic cartoons

2.Dough/ plasticine made cartoons

cuz in my opinion, they are stupid, meaningless and sickening movies.

This kinda movies makes me sick in the stomach for afew days; even if it's just the

3.Horror movies

It's kinda thrilling to watch it.. but imma scare-dy cat in terms of supernatural stuff..

so i dun think i shld spend more money to freak me out. haha..


P.S. So much work to do.. I won't be coming here to blog any sooner... Cya!

✿Soo Min


Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.

I wanna show you how pretty the world can be.

I wanna let you know why i love to take photos, so much so, i've got more than 3000

photos in my folder(:

Enjoy my rare post of photos(:

Have you ever seen a rainbow, oh so tall, so high up in the sky?

My obsession with taking photos of hands
Antique Preferator! spelt correctly?

Brightest moon.

Morning Walk. (Another victim of mine!)
Dozens dozes of love.

Sunset in my eyes.

Flowers taken on my way to school..
Do you know that the hdb area behind the school has pretty sights?

A part of my beautiful school(:

A rare sight of the beautiful sky displayed in such powerful& sharp manner.

Where was i? I was right outside our staffroom(:

The reason of why i like brown leathers & stuffs~Do you notice how beautiful cars have become? Even their lights are so crystal- like and elegant:)

Embracing freedom(:

And she ponders.

Note: Farteen does not know i've taken all these photoes; neither did she pose for it. HAHA.

How cute& pretty would it be to have a green star tattoo!


I almost bumped into a huGE spiderweb when i was engrossed in taking these photoes of e shadows of bikes>.<

On the road of Orchard.

Do you like my pretty shoes?(:


Our school IS PRETTY.

Yao chu shan! Look so cute here:)
Ailing; Me ; Jennifer~
And that's me(:

It was a crescent moon.
It was Beautiful.
I'd Love to have a crescent moon necklace(:


summer play.
Someone bully me! haha. Kidding~

Heh heh.

Few of those rare photos tt we actually look gd in(:

Summer Love.

This is why i love vandalisms(:


That's all for now~ Bye folks!

P/S Soo Min is my new korean name! wahaha~~
This is fun:D